(Looking for my old forum about rootkits/malware? Click here: Link)

Hi there. On this site I, Ejvind Hansen, will present some chosen aspects of myself. The site will not present the entire me, you will primarily find stuff about…

  1. The Ejvind Hansen that finds great pleasure in the wonderful wondering of the wonders in the world. The philosopher Ejvind Hansen. Go down through the “Philosophy“-menu.
  2. The Ejvind Hansen who loves to geek with all kinds of computer-related issues. Partly through many years of IT-supervision of others, partly through various programming projects. Go down through the “Computer/IT“-menu.

I have lately devoted my philosophical endeavours with the wondering over the public sphere and journalism, and I’m thus aware that the sketched issues do not constitute a clear cut focus. 95% of the visitors will probably feel that half of the site is irrelevant to them.

But then again, what can I do. Reality most often turns out to be more complex than good communication might wish for.